My Personal Fitness Journey

My Personal Fitness Journey

Last week at the gym somebody called me a jock. I had to look around to see who they were talking about. Surely it wasn’t me! I am never going to be flashing a six-pack or flexing my biceps  on the cover of Men’s Health Magazine, but in my 50s I can still portage a canoe and a back-pack.  I compete athletically with young men half my age and I am still building muscle and burning fat. I am a normal person who has embraced fitness as an integral part of my life.

It was not always so. I grew up obese, inactive, and a smoker. Both genetics and lifestyle contributed. I was the last one picked for teams at school, I had low self-esteem and was afraid to take my shirt off in public because of how I looked. In high school I dropped phys-ed as soon as I could. I would never have gone to a gym. Even if I wanted to, I would have been sure that everyone would be laughing at me.

Nonetheless, as a young adult something clicked. I quit smoking, went on a diet, and started to exercise.  Once around the block and I was lying on the ground with my chest pounding. Still, it was a start. I had the support of a friend, and that kept me going, one step at a time. Eventually I went to a gym, and no-one laughed.

At 30, I was in better shape than when I was 20. At 40 I was better than 30, and at 50 I was even better. I have dealt with aging, injuries, health conditions and life circumstances that you will only hear about over a drink. Jogging, aerobics, movement, dance, sports and weight lifting all were parts of my journey. I have played in competitive sports leagues for over 35 years. Sometimes I was a top player who won awards, and sometimes I was a novice. Mostly I was just one of the guys. I fit in. The best part was that I had fun and I got to play. I still do.

I have learned from my own experiences, and from the many courses and certifications that help me to assist others. It’s a far cry from where I started. What began as a hardship that I needed to endure has become a passion. I fit my lifestyle.